
Topographic Surveys

For planners, landowners, architects, and engineers, topographic surveys form the basis of land development projects. In tandem with our highly-skilled CAD office team, GWP’s surveyors produce true-to-scale 2D and 3D plans precisely detailing natural and man-made features, levels and boundaries to ensure you have a solid foundation for taking your land developments forward.

Topographic surveys also form the basis for flood risk assessment and modelling.

Expertise & Applications

  • Land registry surveys and production of drawings to meet the requirements of the land registry specification
  • Surveys for flood risk assessment
  • Property surveys for architects
  • Surveys for Landscape architects
  • River cross sections
  • Large scale woodland surveys to support the work of ecologists

GWP Surveyors

Rhys Morgans

Associate Partner and Survey Manager

Dan Watkins

Senior Surveyor