We support companies and communities to meet their water needs while ensuring sustainability of supply and the water environment. Essentially, we help you be good water stewards.
For mineral extraction clients, this means managing water resources throughout a project life cycle and satisfying licensing and permitting regimes. GWP has vast experience in hydrogeological impact assessment and groundwater control systems design and build supervision. We use a suite of analytical and numerical modelling software for data analysis, aquifer simulation and de-watering prediction, run-off, and attenuation facility design.
For international development clients in the front line of the climate crisis, strengthening water governance and ensuring more sustainable water management is vital. GWP undertakes impact assessments to evaluate risks to water resources of saltwater intrusion (a particular challenge for Small Island Developing States), and depletion of freshwater lenses and aquifers from increasing groundwater abstraction and extreme weather events.
Expertise and applications
- Hydrogeological impact assessment
- Groundwater modelling
- De-watering system design
- Water supply investigation and characterisation
- Groundwater control and management
- Groundwater monitoring scheme design
- Pollution & water quality assessment
- Climate resilience, drought management
- Expert witness

GWP Groundwater Resources Consultants

Clive Carpenter
Partner, Head of Water Resources and Climate Resilience, Principal Hydrogeologist

Arran Clarke
Project Hydrogeologist