
International Development and Climate Adaptation Services

Global expertise in hydrology, hydrogeology, GIS, geotechnical engineering, irrigation, water governance and stakeholder engagement enables us to match an area’s water needs with sustainable supply.

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Featured Projects

Designing the Climate Resilience of the Water Sector in the Bahamas Project for the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

The Bahamas
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Assessment of water resources and its vulnerability to global warming aggravated drought and flood risk, to support climate resilient livelihoods.

Republic of Djibouti
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Climate adaptation project to improve water security, strengthening resilience of irrigated agriculture in Batken Province

Southern Kyrgyzstan
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GWP International Development Specialists

Clive Carpenter

Partner, Head of Water Resources and Climate Resilience,  Principal Hydrogeologist

John Sutton

Partner, Water Resources and Climate Resilience

Arran Clarke

Project Hydrogeologist

Paula Avendano

Water Resources, Irrigation and Climate Change

Edward Betteridge

Hydrology and Environmental Scientist

David Huddleston

GIS and Climate Risk Specialist

Get in touch:

Call +44 (0) 1608 810374

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