GWP were retained by one of the HS2 main contractors to provide technical advisory services related to Temporary Works groundwater and surface water management and Temporary Works consenting under the HS2 Act.
The following work is ongoing;
- Development of innovative and efficient GIS-based surface water analysis for 80km of rail construction, including over 550 discrete on-site surface water management schemes to support discharge consent submission – each requiring perimeter drainage ditch networks, attenuation ponds, silt removal management and disposal outfalls, totalling >2,500 drainage assets.
- Catchment analysis for peak flow estimation for over 400 off-site watercourses to be intercepted by >125km of boundary drains, protected (>55km) when crossing over the site and culverted by temporary haul and access roads, to support flood management consenting.
- Hydraulic modelling and flood risk assessment for 36 river floodplain crossings, supporting Temporary Works design of causeways, bridges, and temporary flood compensation areas to manage both on site, upstream and downstream fluvial flood risk, inform designs and support flood management consenting.